Friday, 16 May 2014


Banksy is the pseudonym for the UK based graffiti artist, political activist, painter and film director. I'm not going to lie I've always avoided researching Banksy because I just found him a bit of a typical artist to talk about but here I am.

His satirical streetrat combined dark humour with graffiti, which is executed in his distinctive stencilling technique. His work provides political commentary and is displayed on walls, bridges and buildings across the World. Banksy's work was made up of the Bristol underground scene which was made up of collaborations between artists and musicians. It is noted that his style is similar to Blek le Rat, a Parisian artist who worked with stencils in 1981. Banksy stated that he was inspired by a "3D" graffiti artist, who later became the leading founder of 'Massive Attack'. Banksy is well known for his contempt against the government for labelling graffiti as vandalism, which is why he displays his artwork so freely on buildings etc. None of his pieces are for sale, but art auctioneers try to sell his work on spot and the highest bidder has the responsibility of removing the artwork. Banksy's first film, 'Exit through the gift shop' was billed as "the world's first street art disaster movie" made it's debut in the 2010 Sundance a Film Festival, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 2011.

Like I mentioned in my Authorship post, people are drawn to mystery, and I feel like Banksy is some kind of superhero. You see a regular guy, but when nobody's around he's Banksy, the political commentator. Although I haven't ever shown much interest in him, he seems like a pretty cool guy and I am fond of quite a few of his works and what they say about the world we live in. They are thought-provoking and great topics for discussion.

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